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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

We had the amazing of experience of attending a special Stake Conference here in Kingston yesterday and today. Visiting authorities for this weekend were:  Elder Quentin L. Cook, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Sister Cook; President Walter F. Gonzalez, Caribbean Area President, and Sister Gonzalez; Elder Claude R. Gamiette, Area Seventy. We loved hearing their inspiring messages.


We also were thrilled to have visiting President and Sister Wingo,  the Panama City Temple President and Matron. We so enjoyed our time with them when we were at the Panama City Temple and count them as eternal friends. 

Both yesterday and today, the conference sessions were broadcast throughout Jamaica and to the other islands of the Caribbean. 

A Priesthood Leadership meeting was held yesterday, and as is often the case after these meetings, Buddy walked in the door and gave me a hug. I think without fail, at least one of the speakers at a priesthood meeting will admonish the brethren attending to go home and hug their wives, and that's exactly what Elder Cook did. Buddy never needs to be prompted to hug me, but even so he can say he was obedient to the direction from an ordained apostle. 
We came away from the conference with many motivating and encouraging stories, teachings, and statements recorded in our journals. Of course, on such occasions, we receive what is meant for us, so, our notes are different. What our notes do have in common are the words of Elder Cook's Apostolic Blessing. 

Elder Cook blessed the listeners to have a great desire to have Zion in our hearts and homes; to have increased faith through reading the scriptures, partaking of the sacrament, and worshipping in the temple; to spend more time studying the scriptures; to have joy, love, and unity in our homes and on parents to know what to do; to be able to rise above the many financial and societal challenges of life; to have increased reverence and religious freedoms in our countries; and to increase love of and faith in Jesus Christ individually and in our families.

There was silence and reverence in the chapel and connecting cultural hall as Elder Cook pronounced this blessing upon us all. Hearing his powerful words touched our hearts personally, and we trust the wonderful Jamaican saints will remember and lean on this beautiful blessing for many years to come.

The following is a wonderful video with Elder Cook sharing the history of missionary work and his apostolic testimony of the work. 

We submitted four projects for approval this week. This is the culmination of a lot of work especially on Buddy's part. He's very good at following up with participants to make sure we collect all the necessary quotes and information. We always tell the potential beneficiaries, the more specific information we can include in the proposal, the better. 
We definitely feel a sense of urgency as the year draws to a close. We want to make sure this year's funds allotted for caring for the poor and needy in Jamaica are utilized with proper stewardship. We prayerfully hope to receive the approval for all four projects which will ultimately serve thousands on the island. We'll share the details of these projects as soon as we get the good news from the Area Welfare Committee; we're very optimistic. 

Our Thanksgiving this year will not include turkey and all the fixin's, but we will still express our gratitude for the bounty of blessings we realize every day. We plan to join with the other senior missionaries to tour a Chinese Gardens here in Kingston on Thursday, and then we will all go out for a send off dinner for Elder and Sister Brown. Their diligent service has inspired us, and we will miss their smiling faces. We wish them all the best in their next chapter of life. 

Until next...our love you all

1 comment:

  1. What a special conference and thanks for sharing your thoughts. We look forward to hearing what projects you are having approved.
